Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009

Audio Video

Diposkan oleh Welly Agung Kusuma Riva, S.Kom. di 16:54

Text Representation
Teks adalah data dalam bentuk karakter. Teks dalam hal ini adalah kode ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) dan ASCII extension seperti UNICODE murni.
Tiap-tiap karakter direpresentasikan oleh 7 bit (0-127)
Ada beberapa jenis teks yaitu:
Plain Text
Formatted Text


Karakter ASCII merupakan standar yang ditetapkan oleh badan standarisasi di Amerika Serikat yang kemudian populer dan digunakan secara luas.
ASCII berdasarkan English Alphabet.
Dipublikasikan pada tahun 1967 dan diupdate tahun 1986.
Terdiri dari 95 karakter yang printable (dapat dicetak seperti bentuk simbolnya) yaitu karakter 32 untuk spasi dan karakter nomer 32 sampai 126, serta karakter yang non-printable/control character, yaitu karakter 0-31.

Plain Text

Plain text adalah jenis teks yang murni hanya berupa karakter teks saja tanpa ada format apa-apa.
Contoh plain text adalah pada saat kita mengetik dengan menggunakan teks editor standar seperti notepad (.txt) di windows.
Plain Text berjenis MIME text/plain.
Teks file tidak terenkrispsi, tidak mengandung embedded information, seperti informasi font, tidak mengandung link, dan inline-image.
Terdapat perbedaan antara format plain text di Windows dan UNIX. Di Windows, akhir baris ditandai dengan Carriage Return/CR + Line Feed/LF (\13\10) sedangkan di UNIX ditandai dengan Line Feed/LF (\10) saja.


Gambar 2 dimensi bisa berasal dari: kamera digital maupun scanning gambar tercetak.
Gambar digital merupakan suatu fungsi dengan nilai-nilai berupa intensitas cahaya pada tiap-tiap titik pada bidang yang telah dikuantisasikan
Titik dimana suatu gambar di-sampling disebut picture element (pixel).

Nilai intensitas warna pada suatu pixel disebut gray scale level.
1 bit → binary-valued image (0 - 1)
8 bits → gray level (0 - 255)
16 bits → high color (216)
24 bits → 224 true color
32 bits → true color (232)
Format gambar digital memiliki 2 parameter:
spatial resolution  pixels X pixels
color encoding  bits / pixel
Jika suatu gambar disimpan maka yang disimpan adalah array 2D yang merepresentasikan data warna pixel tersebut. Array[x,y] = warna pixel

Gambar Bitmap (Raster): dalam piksel-piksel
Gambar Vektor: yg disimpan adalah instruksi untuk menghasilkan bentuk gambar dasar: garis, kurva, lingkaran

Bitmap (BMP)
Bitmap adalah istilah untuk image 2 dimensi.
Awalnya adalah Microsoft yang membuat standar file bitmap untuk image 2 dimensi dengan ekstensi file (.bmp).
Ini merupakan format standar raw data gambar digital.
Struktur file BMP terdiri dari 4 bagian, yaitu: File Header, Image Header, Color Table dan Data Pixel.
Header file BMP (File Header + Image Header + Color Table) biasanya sebesar 54 byte.

Audio Representation
How to digitize analogy audio (sound wave)?

Format File Audio: wav, cdda, mp3, mid, aiff, ibk, voc, mod, au, dll


Animasi Sel (seluloid)
Animasi Frame
Animasi Sprite
Animasi Lintasan
Animasi Spline
Animasi Vektor
Animasi Karakter
Animasi Komputasional

Animasi Sel
Kata cel berasal dari kata “celluloid” yang merupakan materi yang digunakan untuk membuat film gambar bergerak pada tahun-tahun awal animasi.
Sekarang material film dibuat dari asetat (acetate)
Biasanya digambar dengan menggunakan tangan (hand-drawn animation)
Merupakan lembaran-lembaran yang membentuk animasi tunggal. Masing-masing sel merupakan bagian yang terpisah, misalnya antara obyek dengan latar belakangnya, sehingga dapat saling bergerak mandiri.
Animasi Cel disebut juga Animasi Tradisional

Proses Animasi Sel
Voice Recordings
Design & Timing
Traditional ink-&-paint and camera
Digital ink & paint

Animasi frame
Animasi frame adalah bentuk animasi paling sederhana.
Contohnya ketika kita membuat gambar-gambar yang berbeda­beda gerakannya pada sebuah tepian buku kemudian kita buka buku tersebut dengan menggunakan jempol secara cepat maka gambar akan kelihatan bergerak.
Dalam sebuah film, serangkaian frame bergerak dengan kecepatan minimal 24 frame per detik.

Animasi Sprite
Pada animasi sprite, gambar digerakkan dengan latar belakang yang diam.
Sprite adalah bagian dari animasi yang bergerak secara mandiri, seperti misalnya: burung terbang, planet yang berotasi, bola memantul, ataupun logo yang berputar.
Dalam animasi sprite yang dapat kita edit adalah animasi dari layar yang mengandung sprite, kita tidak dapat mengedit bagian dalam yang ditampilkan oleh layar untuk masing-masing frame seperti pada animasi frame.

Animasi path
Animasi path adalah animasi dari obyek yang bergerak sepanjang garis kurva yang ditentukan sebagai lintasan.
Misalnya dalam pembuatan animasi kereta api, persawat terbang, burung dan lain-lain yang membutuhkan lintasan gerak tertentu.
Pada kebanyakan animasi path dilakukan juga efek looping yang membuat gerakan path terjadi secara terus menerus.

Animasi Spline
Spline adalah representasi matematis dari kurva. Sehingga gerakan obyek tidak hanya mengikuti garis lurus melainkan berbentuk kurva.

Animasi Vektor
Vektor adalah garis yang memiliki ujung-pangkal, arah, dan panjang.
Animasi vektor mirip dengan animasi sprite, tetapi animasi sprite menggunakan bitmap sedangkan animasi vektor menggunakan rumus matematika untuk menggambarkan sprite-nya.

Animasi Karakter
Biasanya terdapat di film kartun, semua bagian selalu bergerak bersamaan.
Software yang biasa digunakan adalah Maya Unlimited. Contoh: Film Toy Story dan Monster Inc.
Apapun jenis animasinya, yang penting adalah memberikan efek “hidup” (visual efek) pada gambar atau obyek.
Visual efek dapat dibuat dengan cara:
Motion dynamics, efek yang disebabkan perubahan posisi terhadap waktu.
Update dynamics, efek yang disebabkan perubahan pada suatu obyek (bentuk, warna, struktur, dan tekstur)
Perubahan cahaya, posisi, orientasi dan fokus kamera.

Pengenalan Animasi

Definisi animasi :-
Simulasi pergerakan dengan gambar atau frame secara berkesinambungan

Animasi Terbahagi kepada 2 ciri iaitu :-
Limited Animation
Full Animation

Limited Animation
Limited animation merupakan animasi yang mempunyai pergerakan asas seperti berjalan.
Lukisan animasinya juga tidak banyak hanya 2 lukisan sesaat.
Contoh studio yang banyak menggunakan teknik animasi ini ialah “HANNA BARBARA”.
Contoh filem aniamasi ini ialah YOGI BEAR

Full Animation
Memerlukan lebih banyak lukisan dalam sesaat.
Pergerakan animasinya juga nampak smooth dan hidup.
Lukisan animasinya memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya 25 keping sesaat.
Contoh animasi yang menggunakan teknik ini ialah karya dari WALT DISNEY
Contoh filem animasi yang menggunakan teknik ini ialah MICKEY MOUSE

Animasi Tradisional juga dikenali sebagai cell animation.
Animasi Stop Motion (Stop_Motion Animation).
Animasi Komputer (Computer Graphics Animation).

Cell Animation
Teknik animasi yang pertama diperkenalkan.
Teknik ini menggunakan celluloid transparent yang seakan-akan transparansi OHP.
Beberapa keping lukisan akan dilukis atas celluloid ini dan menghasilkan page flipping.
Kini lukisan ini lebih dikenali sebagai animasi 2D dalam bentuk komputer.

Stop_Motion Animation
Animasi ini juga dikenali sebagai claymation kerana animasi ini menggunakan clay (tanah liat) sebagai objek yang di gerakkan.
Teknik ini pertama kali di perkenalkan oleh Stuart Blakton pada tahun 1906.
Teknik ini seringkali digunakan dalam menghasilkan visual effect bagi filem-filem era tahun 50an dan 60an. Contoh filem animasi ialah King Kong dan Jason and Argonauts.
Animasi ini agak sukar untuk dihasilkan dan memerlukan kos yang tinggi.

Siapakah Animator?
Individu yang bertanggungjawab menghasilkan sesuatu animasi.

Animator-animator yang terkenal:-
Walter Elias Disney
Takeshi Shudo
Hassan Mutalib

Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash CS4 Professional under Mac OS X 10.5.
Developer(s) Adobe Systems (formerly by Macromedia)
Stable release / 2009-03-15; 4 months ago
Written in C++
Operating system Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X
Type Multimedia
License Proprietary EULA
Website Adobe Flash Professional Homepage

Adobe Flash (previously called Macromedia Flash) is a multimedia platform originally acquired by Macromedia and currently developed and distributed by Adobe Systems. Since its introduction in 1996, Flash has become a popular method for adding animation and interactivity to web pages. Flash is commonly used to create animation, advertisements, and various web page components, to integrate video into web pages, and more recently, to develop rich Internet applications.

Flash can manipulate vector and raster graphics, and supports bidirectional streaming of audio and video. It contains a scripting language called ActionScript. Several software products, systems, and devices are able to create or display Flash content, including Adobe Flash Player, which is available free for most common web browsers, some mobile phones and for other electronic devices (using Flash Lite). The Adobe Flash Professional multimedia authoring program is used to create content for the Adobe Engagement Platform, such as web applications, games and movies, and content for mobile phones and other embedded devices.

Files in the SWF format, traditionally called "ShockWave Flash" movies, "Flash movies" or "Flash games", usually have a .swf file extension and may be an object of a web page, strictly "played" in a standalone Flash Player, or incorporated into a Projector, a self-executing Flash movie (with the .exe extension in Microsoft Windows or .hqx for Macintosh). Flash Video files[spec 1] have a .flv file extension and are either used from within .swf files or played through a flv-aware player, such as (VLC), or QuickTime and Windows Media Player with external codecs added.Contents
1 History
2 Recent developments
2.1 Open Screen Project
3 Programming language
3.1 ActionScript Code Protection
4 Competition
4.1 Format and plug-in
4.2 Installed user base
4.3 Open standard alternatives
4.4 Third-party implementation
4.4.1 Specifications
4.4.2 Playback
4.4.3 Authoring
5 Related file formats and extensions
6 Video in web pages
6.1 Flash Video
7 Criticism
7.1 Usability
7.2 Violating freedom of the web
7.3 Use of computer resources
8 See also
9 References
10 External links

[edit] History

The Flash application was the brainchild of Jonathan Gay, who developed the idea while in college and extended it while working for Silicon Beach Software and its successors.[1][2]

In January 1993, Jonathan Gay, Charlie Jackson, and Michelle Welsh started a small software company called FutureWave Software and created their first product, SmartSketch. A drawing application for pen computers running the PenPoint OS, SmartSketch was designed to make creating computer graphics as simple as drawing on paper. When PenPoint failed in the marketplace, SmartSketch was ported to Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. As the Internet began to thrive, FutureWave began to realize the potential for a vector-based web animation tool that might easily challenge Macromedia's Shockwave technology. In 1995, FutureWave modified SmartSketch by adding frame-by-frame animation features and re-released it as FutureSplash Animator on Macintosh and PC. By that time, the company had added programmer Robert Tatsumi, artist Adam Grofcsik, and PR specialist Ralph Mittman. Tatsumi focused on writing the authoring tool's user interface, while Gay wrote the graphics renderer, curve and shape math code, and the browser plug-in.[3] The product was offered to Adobe and used by Microsoft in its early work with the Internet (MSN). In December 1996, Macromedia acquired the vector-based animation software and later released it as Flash, contracting "Future" and "Splash" of the FutureWave name.
FutureSplash Animator (April 10, 1996): initial version of Flash with basic editing tools and a timeline
Macromedia Flash 1 (November 1996): a Macromedia re-branded version of the FutureSplash Animator
Macromedia Flash 2 (June 1997): Released with Flash Player 2, new features included: the object library
Macromedia Flash 3 (May 31, 1998): Released with Flash Player 3, new features included: the movieclip element, JavaScript plug-in integration, transparency and an external stand alone player
Macromedia Flash 4 (June 15, 1999): Released with Flash Player 4, new features included: internal variables, an input field, advanced ActionScript, and streaming MP3
Macromedia Flash 5 (August 24, 2000): Released with Flash Player 5, new features included: ActionScript 1.0 (based on ECMAScript, making it very similar to JavaScript in syntax), XML support, Smartclips (the precursor to components in Flash), HTML text formatting added for dynamic text
Macromedia Flash MX (as version 6, released on March 15, 2002): Released with Flash Player 6, new features included: a video codec (Sorenson Spark), Unicode, v1 UI Components, compression, ActionScript vector drawing API
Macromedia Flash MX 2004 (as version 7, released September 9, 2003): Released with Flash Player 7, new features included: Actionscript 2.0 (which enabled an object-oriented programming model for Flash)(although it lacked the Script assist function of other versions, meaning Actionscript could only be typed out manually), behaviors, extensibility layer (JSAPI), alias text support, timeline effects. Macromedia Flash MX Professional 2004 included all Flash MX 2004 features, plus: Screens (forms for non-linear state-based development and slides for organizing content in a linear slide format like PowerPoint), web services integration, video import wizard, Media Playback components (which encapsulate a complete MP3 and/or FLV player in a component that may be placed in an SWF), Data components (DataSet, XMLConnector, WebServicesConnector, XUpdateResolver, etc) and data binding APIs, the Project Panel, v2 UI components, and Transition class libraries.
Macromedia Flash 8 (released on September 13, 2005): Macromedia Flash Basic 8, a less feature-rich version of the Flash authoring tool targeted at new users who only want to do basic drawing, animation and interactivity. Released with Flash Player 8, this version of the product has limited support for video and advanced graphical and animation effects. Macromedia Flash Professional 8 added features focused on expressiveness, quality, video, and mobile authoring. New features included Filters and blend modes, easing control for animation, enhanced stroke properties (caps and joins), object-based drawing mode, run-time bitmap caching, FlashType advanced anti-aliasing for text, On2 VP6 advanced video codec, support for alpha transparency in video, a stand-alone encoder and advanced video importer, cue point support in FLV files, an advanced video playback component, and an interactive mobile device emulator.
Adobe Flash CS3 Professional (as version 9, released on April 16, 2007): Flash CS3 is the first version of Flash released under the Adobe name. CS3 features full support for ActionScript 3.0, allows entire applications to be converted into ActionScript, adds better integration with other Adobe products such as Adobe Photoshop, and also provides better Vector drawing behavior, becoming more like Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Fireworks.
Adobe Flash CS4 Professional (as version 10, released on October 15, 2008): Contains inverse kinematics (bones), basic 3D object manipulation, object-based animation, an enhanced text engine, and further expansions to ActionScript 3.0. CS4 allows the developer to more efficiently and quickly create animations with many improved features that were not included in previous versions.

[edit] Recent developments This section's factual accuracy may be compromised due to out-of-date information. Please help improve the article by updating it. There may be additional information on the talk page. (February 2009)
This section needs references that appear in reliable third-party publications. Primary sources or sources affiliated with the subject are generally not sufficient for a Wikipedia article. Please add more appropriate citations from reliable sources. (February 2009)

Adobe Labs (previously called Macromedia Labs) is a source for news and pre-release versions of emerging products and technologies from Adobe. Most innovations, such as Flash 9, Flex 3, and ActionScript 3.0 have all been discussed and/or trialled on the site.

One area Adobe is focusing on (as of February 2009) is the deployment of Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). To this end, they released Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR), a cross-platform runtime environment which can be used to build, using Adobe Flash, rich Internet applications that can be deployed as a desktop application. It recently surpassed 100 million installations worldwide.[4]

Two additional components designed for large-scale implementation have been proposed by Adobe for future releases of Flash: first, the option to require an ad to be played in full before the main video piece is played; and second, the integration of digital rights management (DRM) capabilities. This way Adobe can give companies the option to link an advertisement with content and make sure that both are played and remain unchanged.[5] The current status of these two projects is unclear.[dated info]

Flash Player for smart phones is expected to be available to handset manufacturers at the end of 2009.[6]

[edit] Open Screen Project

On May 1, 2008 Adobe announced Open Screen Project, which hopes to provide a consistent application interface across devices such as personal computers, mobile devices and consumer electronics.[7] When the project was announced, several goals were outlined: the abolition of licensing fees for Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Integrated Runtime, the removal of restrictions on the use of the Shockwave Flash (SWF) and Flash Video (FLV) file format, the publishing of application programming interfaces for porting Flash to new devices and the publishing of The Flash Cast protocol and Action Message Format (AMF), which let Flash applications receive information from remote databases.[7]

As of February 2009, the specifications removing the restrictions on the use of SWF and FLV/F4V specs have been published.[8] The Flash Cast protocol - now known as the Mobile Content Delivery Protocol - and AMF protocols have also been made available,[8] with AMF available as an open source implementation, BlazeDS. Work on the device porting layers is in the early stages. Adobe intends to remove the licensing fees for Flash Player and Adobe AIR for devices at their release for the Open Screen Project.

The list of mobile device providers who have joined the project includes Palm, Motorola and Nokia,[9] who, together with Adobe, have announced a $10 million Open Screen Project fund.[10]

[edit] Programming language
Main article: ActionScript

Initially focused on animation, early versions of Flash content offered few interactivity features and thus had very limited scripting capability.

More recent versions include ActionScript, an implementation of the ECMAScript standard which therefore has the same syntax as JavaScript, but in a different programming framework with a different associated set of class libraries. ActionScript is used to create almost all of the interactivity (buttons, text entry fields, drop down menus) seen in many Flash applications.

Flash MX 2004 introduced ActionScript 2.0, a scripting programming language more suited to the development of Flash applications. It is often possible to save time by scripting something rather than animating it, which usually also enables a higher level of flexibility when editing.

Since the arrival of the Flash Player 9 alpha a newer version of ActionScript has been released, ActionScript 3.0. ActionScript 3.0 is an object oriented programming language allowing for more control and code reusability when building complex Flash applications. ActionScript 3.0 has also allowed for formal software engineering methods to be implemented when working with Flash, because of the object oriented programming approach.

Of late, the Flash libraries are being used with the XML capabilities of the browser to render rich content in the browser. This technology is known as Asynchronous Flash and XML, much like AJAX. This technology of Asynchronous Flash and XML has pushed for a more formal approach of this technology called Adobe Flex, which uses the Flash runtime to build Rich Internet Applications.

This technology can be used in players like those on MySpace and YouTube, to provide protection for the content that the Flash calls, like MP3s and videos. The content called is streamed - or passes - through the Flash files, making downloading for storage a difficult task for most people. Programs such as Real Player Downloader and browser extensions like Firebug can trace the XML files.

[edit] ActionScript Code Protection

Often, Flash developers will decide that while they desire the advantages that Flash affords them in the areas of animation and interactivity, they do not wish to expose their code to the world. However, as with all intermediate language compiled code, once an.swf file is saved locally, it can be decompiled into its source code and assets. Some decompilers are capable of nearly full reconstruction of the original source file, down to the actual code that was used during creation (although results vary on a case-by-case basis).[11][12][13]

In opposition to the decompilers, ActionScript obfuscators have been introduced to solve this problem. Higher-quality obfuscators implement lexical transformations — such as identifier renaming, control flow transformation, and data abstraction transformation — that make it virtually impossible for decompilation to generate anything useful. Lower-quality obfuscators insert traps for decompilers.

[edit] Competition

[edit] Format and plug-in

Compared to other plug-ins such as Java, Acrobat Reader, QuickTime, or Windows Media Player, the Flash Player has a small install size, quick download time, and fast initialization time. However, care must be taken to detect and embed the Flash Player in (X)HTML in a W3C-compliant way.[citation needed] A simple, widely-used workaround is provided below:

data="movie.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="500" height="500">

name="movie" value="movie.swf" />

More information on how to detect and embed Flash Objects in a W3C compliant way is provided in the xSWF description.

The use of vector graphics combined with program code allows Flash files to be smaller — and thus for streams to use less bandwidth — than the corresponding bitmaps or video clips. For content in a single format (such as just text, video, or audio), other alternatives may provide better performance and consume less CPU power than the corresponding Flash movie, for example when using transparency or making large screen updates such as photographic or text fades.

In addition to a vector-rendering engine, the Flash Player includes a virtual machine called the ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM) for scripting interactivity at run-time, support for video, MP3-based audio, and bitmap graphics. As of Flash Player 8, it offers two video codecs: On2 Technologies VP6 and Sorenson Spark, and run-time support for JPEG, Progressive JPEG, PNG, and GIF. In the next version, Flash is slated to use a just-in-time compiler for the ActionScript engine.

[edit] Installed user base

Flash as a format has become very widespread on the desktop market and created a market dominance. Adobe claims that 98 percent of US Web users and 99.3 percent of all Internet desktop users have the Flash Player installed,[14][15] with 82%-87%[16] (depending on region) having the latest version. Numbers vary depending on the detection scheme and research demographics.

The Adobe Flash Player exists for a variety of systems and devices: Windows, Mac OS 9/X, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, Pocket PC, OS/2, QNX, Symbian, Palm OS, BeOS, and IRIX). Officially, Adobe Flash only supports 32-bit platforms, although experimental 64-bit support has been available for Linux since November 2008.[17] For compatibility with devices (embedded systems), see Macromedia Flash Lite.

[edit] Open standard alternatives

The W3C's SVG and SMIL standards are seen as the closest competitors of Flash.[18] Adobe used to develop and distribute the 'Adobe SVG Viewer' client plug-in for MS Internet Explorer, but has recently announced its discontinuation.[19] It has been noted by industry commentators that this was probably no coincidence at a time when Adobe moved from competing with Macromedia's Flash to owning the technology itself.[20] Meanwhile, Opera has supported SVG since version 8 and Safari has since version 3,[21] and Firefox's built-in support for SVG continues to grow.[22][23]

UIRA was a free software project that intended to become a complete replacement for Adobe Flash. The project collapsed in mid 2007, though people are now discussing reviving or continuing it,[24] and a few other projects like Ajax Animator still exist.

[edit] Third-party implementation

[edit] Specifications

In October 1998, Macromedia disclosed the Flash Version 3 Specification to the world on its website. It did this in response to many new and often semi-open formats competing with SWF, such as Xara's Flare and Sharp's Extended Vector Animation formats. Several developers quickly created a C library for producing SWF. In February 1999, the company introduced MorphInk 99, the first third-party program to create SWF files. Macromedia also hired Middlesoft to create a freely available developers' kit for the SWF file format versions 3 to 5.

Macromedia made the Flash Files specifications for versions 6 and later available only under a non-disclosure agreement, but they are widely available from various sites.

In April 2006, the Flash SWF file format specification was released with details on the then newest version format (Flash 8). Although still lacking specific information on the incorporated video compression formats (On2, Sorenson Spark, etc.), this new documentation covered all the new features offered in Flash v8 including new ActionScript commands, expressive filter controls, and so on. The file format specification document is offered only to developers who agree to a license agreement that permits them to use the specifications only to develop programs that can export to the Flash file format. The license forbids the use of the specifications to create programs that can be used for playback of Flash files. The Flash 9 specification was made available under similar restrictions.[25]

In May 2008, Adobe launched the Open Screen Project (Adobe link), which made the SWF specification available without restrictions. Previously, developers couldn't use the specification for making SWF-compatible players, but only for making SWF-exporting authoring software. The specification remains incomplete, however, as it does not include any details regarding RTMP or Sorenson Spark,[26] both of which are widely used to distribute video through Flash.

[edit] Playback

Since Flash files do not depend on an open standard such as SVG, this reduces the incentive for non-commercial software to support the format, although there are several third party tools which use and generate the SWF file format. Flash Player cannot ship as part of a pure open source, or completely free operating system, as its distribution is bound to the Macromedia Licensing Program and subject to approval.

There is, as of late 2008, no complete free software replacement which offers all the functionality of the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.

Gnash is an active project that aims to create a free player and browser plugin for the Adobe Flash file format and so provide a free alternative to the Adobe Flash Player under the GNU General Public License. Despite potential patent worries because of the proprietary nature of the files involved,[27] Gnash supports most SWF v7 features and some SWF v8 and v9.[28][29] Gnash runs on Windows, Linux and other operating systems on 32-bit, 64-bit and other architectures.

Swfdec is another open-source flash player available for Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD. See also SWFOpener.

Scaleform GFx is a commercial alternative Flash player that features full hardware acceleration using the GPU and has high conformance up to Flash 8 and AS2. Scaleform GFx is licensed as a game middleware solution and used by many PC and console 3D games for user interfaces, HUDs, mini games, and video playback.

[edit] Authoring

Open Source projects like Ajax Animator and the (now defunct) UIRA aim to create a flash development environment, complete with a graphical user environment. Alternatively, programs such as swfmill, SWFTools, and MTASC provide tools to create SWF files, but do so by compiling text, actionscript or XML files into Flash animations. It is also possible to create SWF files programmatically using the Ming library, which has interfaces for C, PHP, C++, Perl, Python, and Ruby. haXe is an open source, high-level object-oriented programming language geared towards web-content creation that can compile Flash files.

Many shareware developers produced Flash creation tools and sold them for under US$50 between 2000 and 2002. In 2003 competition and the emergence of free Flash creation tools had driven many third-party Flash-creation tool-makers out of the market, allowing the remaining developers to raise their prices, although many of the products still cost less than US$100 and support ActionScript. As for open source tools, KToon can edit vectors and generate SWF, but its interface is very different from Macromedia's. Another, more recent example of a Flash creation tool is SWiSH Max made by an ex-employee of Macromedia. Toon Boom Technologies also sells a traditional animation tool, based on Flash - Toon-Army.

In addition, several programs create .swf-compliant files as output from their programs. Among the most famous of these are Screencast tools, which leverage the ability to do lossless compression and playback of captured screen content in order to produce demos, tutorials, or software simulations of programs. These programs are typically designed for use by non-programmers, and create Flash content quickly and easily, but cannot actually edit the underlying Flash code (i.e. the tweening and transforms, etc.) Screencam is perhaps the oldest screencasting authoring tool to adopt Flash as the preferred output format, having been developed since the mid-90s. That screencasting programs have adopted Flash as the preferred output is testament to Flash's presence as a ubiquitous cross-platform animation file format.

Other tools are focused on creating specific types of Flash content. Anime Studio is a 2D animation software specialized for character animation which creates SWF files. Moyea Web Player is focus on creating customized web-based flash video player. Express Animator is similarly aimed specifically at animators. Question Writer publishes its quizzes to Flash file format.

Users that are not programmers or web designers will also find on-line tools that allow them to build full Flash-based web sites. One of the oldest services available (1998) is FlashToGo. Such companies provide a wide variety of pre-built models (templates) associated to a Content Management System that empowers users to easily build, edit and publish their web sites. Other sites, that allows for greater customization and design flexibility are and CirclePad.

Adobe wrote a software package called Adobe LiveMotion, designed to create interactive animation content and export it to a variety of formats, including SWF. LiveMotion went through two major releases, but failed to gain any notable user base.

In February 2003, Macromedia purchased Presedia, which had developed a Flash authoring tool that automatically converted PowerPoint files into Flash. Macromedia subsequently released the new product as Breeze, which included many new enhancements. In addition, (as of version 2) Apple's Keynote presentation software also allows users to create interactive presentations and export to SWF.

[edit] Related file formats and extensionsExtension Explanation
.swf .swf files are completed, compiled and published files that cannot be edited with Adobe Flash. However, many '.swf decompilers' do exist. Attempting to import .swf files using Flash allows it to retrieve some assets from the .swf, but not all.
.FXG FXG is an unified xml file format being developed by adobe for flex, flash, photoshop and other applications.
.fla .fla files contain source material for the Flash application. Flash authoring software can edit FLA files and compile them into .swf files.
.xfl .xfl files are XML-based project files that are equivalent to the binary .fla format. Flash authoring software will use XFL as an exchange format in Flash CS4. It will import XFL files that are exported from InDesign and AfterEffects.
.as .as files contain ActionScript source code in simple source files. FLA files can also contain Actionscript code directly, but separate external .as files often emerge for structural reasons, or to expose the code to versioning applications. They sometimes use the extension .actionscript
.mxml .mxml files are used in conjunction with ActionScript files (and .css files), and offer a markup-language-style syntax (like HTML) for designing the GUI in Flex. Each MXML file creates a new class that extends the class of the root tag, and adds the nested tags as children (if they are descendants of UIComponent) or members of the class.
.swd .swd files are temporary debugging files used during Flash development. Once finished developing a Flash project these files are not needed and can be removed.
.asc .asc files contain Server-Side ActionScript, which is used to develop efficient and flexible client-server Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX applications.
.abc .abc files contain actionscript bytecode used by the Actionscript Virtual Machine AVM (Flash 8 and prior), and AVM2 (Flash 9 or later).
.flv .flv files are Flash video files, as created by Adobe Flash, ffmpeg, Sorenson Squeeze, or On2 Flix.
.f4v .f4v files are standard mp4 files that can be played back by Flash Player 9 Update 3 and above.[30]
.f4p .f4p files are mp4 files with digital rights management.[30]
.f4a .f4a files are mp4 files that contain only audio streams.[30]
.f4b .f4b files are mp4 audio book files.[30]
.swc .swc files are used for distributing components; they contain a compiled clip, the component's ActionScript class file, and other files that describe the component.
.jsfl .jsfl files are used to add functionality in the Flash Authoring environment; they contain Javascript code and access the Flash Javascript API.
.swt .swt files are 'templatized' forms of .swf files, used by Macromedia Generator
.flp .flp files are XML files used to reference all the document files contained in a Flash Project. Flash Projects allow the user to group multiple, related files together to assist in Flash project organization, compilation and build.
.spl .spl files are FutureSplash documents.
.aso .aso files are cache files used during Flash development, containing compiled ActionScript byte code. An ASO file is recreated when a change in its corresponding class files is detected. Occasionally the Flash IDE does not recognize that a recompile is necessary, and these cache files must be deleted manually. They are located in %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash8\en\Configuration\Classes\aso on Win32 / Flash8.
.sol .sol files are created by Adobe Flash Player to hold Local Shared Objects (data stored on the system running the Flash player).

[edit] Video in web pages

Flash can be used to embed video in web pages, a feature available since Flash Player version 6. The technique is to create a flash file (.swf) that acts as a player for the video file. This is the basis for many popular video sites, including YouTube and Google Video. The actual video file is either an FLV or H.264 file; both can easily be played by generic video player software. However, getting browsers to display video is still a platform specific issue due to lack of a common video format, and the subject of a web standard for video is a heated debate (see HTML 5). Using Flash has the advantage of Flash Player's wide distribution, but as this is proprietary technology for which there is no real alternative, it also makes multimedia embedded in this way notoriously difficult to access for non-users of the Flash Player, particularly if the location of the multimedia file is moved out of the HTML.

Flash movies can run in browsers with the proper Flash player installed, although it is important to note that Flash movies cannot run within an e-mail client. Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, etc., cannot run flash movies within an e-mail.* Movies must be linked from the message so that a new browser window opens up. Flash has the ability from here to determine if the browser has the correct player installed and whether or not to display the movie, or an alternate message if the user does not have Flash.
A GMail labs feature allows for the playback of youtube videos linked in emails.

[edit] Flash Video

Flash Video (.flv files) is a container format, meaning that it is not a video codec itself. The video in early versions of Flash is encoded in H.263. In Flash 8 it may encoded in H.263 or ON2V (also known as VP6) which provided a greater efficiency for any given bit rate. Flash 9 introduced the option of encoding in H.264 (also known as MPEG4) (a codec generally regarded as superior to and replacing ON2V and H.263). Flash 10 is not known to introduce any new video codecs, as the new features version 10 primarily focus on are on back-end improvements (in digital rights management, 3D video and effects, improved stream control and interactivity with the flash server.)

Flash Audio is most commonly encoded in MP3 or AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) however it does also support ADPCM, Nellymoser (Nellymoser Asao Codec) and Speex audio codecs.

On August 20, 2007, Adobe announced on its blog that with Update 3 of Flash Player 9, Flash Video will also support the MPEG-4 international standard.[31] Specifically, Flash Player will have support for video compressed in H.264 (MPEG-4 Part 10), audio compressed using AAC (MPEG-4 Part 3), the MP4, M4V, M4A, 3GP and MOV multimedia container formats (MPEG-4 Part 14), 3GPP Timed Text specification (MPEG-4 Part 17) which is a standardized subtitle format and partial parsing support for the 'ilst' atom which is the ID3 equivalent iTunes uses to store metadata. Adobe also announced that they will be gradually moving away from the proprietary FLV format to the standard MP4 format owing to functional limits with the FLV structure when streaming H.264. The final release of the Flash Player supporting MPEG-4 had become available in Fall 2007.[32]

[edit] Criticism

[edit] Usability

Many usability concerns regarding Flash concern how it breaks with conventions associated with normal HTML pages. Things like selecting text, scrollbars,[33] form control and right-clicking act differently than with a regular HTML webpage. Usability expert Jakob Nielsen published an Alertbox in 2000 entitled, Flash: 99% Bad which listed many of these issues.[34] Much of this criticism was due to poor implementation, rather than inherent problems with Flash. Some problems have been fixed since Nielsen's complaints; text size, for example, can now be easily controlled using the full page zoom now implemented in many modern browsers.

The US Justice Department has stated in regard to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990:[citation needed]

Covered entities under the ADA are required to provide effective communication, regardless of whether they generally communicate through print media, audio media, or computerized media such as the Internet. Covered entities that use the Internet for communications regarding their programs, goods, or services must be prepared to offer those communications through accessible means as well.

Although it has been possible for authors to include alternative text content in Flash since Flash Player 6, Flash's accessibility features are compatible only with certain screen readers and only under Windows.[35] Internet users who are visually-impaired, or who require larger text sizes or high-contrast color schemes may find sites that make extensive use of Flash difficult, although the former can now be controlled using the full page zoom options found in many modern browsers.

[edit] Violating freedom of the web

The proprietary nature of Flash is a major concern to advocates of open standards and free software. Its widespread use has, according to some such observers, harmed the otherwise open nature of the World Wide Web.[36] A response may be seen in Adobe's Open Screen Project.

Representing open standards, inventor of CSS and co-author of HTML 5, Håkon Wium Lie explained in a Google tech talk the proposal of Theora as the video codec for HTML 5[37] (see also the Ogg controversy):

I believe very strongly, that we need to agree on some kind of baseline video format if [the video element] is going to succeed. Flash is today the baseline format on the web. The problem with Flash is that it's not an open standard.

Presenting the free software movement, Richard Stallman stated in a speech in October 2004 that:[38]

The use of Flash in websites is a major problem for our community.

Stallman's argument then was that no free players were comparatively good enough. As of February 2009, Gnash and Swfdec have seen very limited success in competing with Adobe's player. The fact that many important and popular websites expect users to have Adobe's player, combined with the lack of good free alternatives have led to frustration among users,[39] suggesting that this is the most common obstacle to enjoying the web in freedom, which presumably relates to the continual high ranking of Gnash on the Free Software Foundation's list of high priority projects.[40]

Referring to the web's openness, an essential feature is that web pages as well as the files they consist of are coupled together by human readable text. Similarly, the openness of the internet lies in its protocols. Thus, the common practice by video centric websites of hiding the URL of web embedded multimedia using Flash or Silverlight, obfuscating the URL with javascript, or using custom protocols like RTMP (Flash) or MMS (Windows Media streams), may seem threatening to the openness of the web. Such nonstandardization makes it hard to use other software than intended by the publisher, in turn making it hard to do other things than intended by the respective software programmers. For example, the words "streaming" and "download" are often used by web publishers as if they were mutually exclusive events independently allowed by their service, although the distinction, whether the client plays or saves the transmitted data or even both, is solely up to the client. Imposing the opposite impression in effect restricts users' control of their own computing.

[edit] Use of computer resources
It is argued that the performance of Adobe Flash Player on different platforms may not be optimal.[41]
Any flash player has to be able to animate on top of the video rendering, which makes hardware accelerated video rendering at least not as straightforward as with a purpose built multimedia player.[42] It is not uncommon for other multimedia players to play fine where Flash Player drops frames and skips audio.[43]

Many popular web browsers now have extensions that prevent immediate Flash playback, but lets the user play it by clicking it first. Firefox has NoScript and Flashblock while a separate extension for Opera called Flashblock is available. One similar extension for Internet Explorer is Foxie, and contains a number of features, one of which is also named Flashblock. K-Meleon has a built-in Flash blocker. WebKit-based browsers under Mac OS X have ClickToFlash.

Senin, 06 April 2009

St. Skolastika Jiwanya ke Surga dalam rupa burung merpati

St. Skolastika
St. Skolastika dan St. Benediktus adalah saudara kembar. Mereka dilahirkan di Nursia, Italia pada tahun 480. Skolastika adalah seorang gadis yang cerdas dan peramah. Ia juga seorang yang religius; sejak belia ia telah menyerahkan dirinya kepada Tuhan.
Ketika mereka berusia duapuluh tahun, Benediktus pergi mengasingkan diri sebagai pertapa dalam sebuah gua terpencil di Subiako. Di kemudian hari, ia pergi ke Monte Kasino dan mendirikan biara di sana. Skolastika menyusul saudaranya dan tinggal di Plombariola yang berjarak kurang lebih 5 mil dari biara Benediktus. Dengan bantuan dan petunjuk Benediktus, Skolastika mendirikan dan memimpin biara wanita.
Setahun sekali Skolastika mengunjungi saudaranya untuk membicarakan masalah-masalah rohani. Karena perempuan tidak diperbolehkan memasuki biara Monte Kasino, maka Benediktus ditemani dengan beberapa muridnya akan menemui Skolastika di sebuah rumah yang tidak jauh letaknya dari gerbang biara. Pada suatu hari Skolastika datang berkunjung dan Benediktus menemuinya bersama beberapa murid. Sepanjang hari itu mereka memuji Tuhan dan berbicara mengenai hal-hal rohani. Ketika malam tiba mereka makan malam bersama. Pembicaraan terus berlanjut sementara malam semakin larut. Berkatalah Skolastika kepada saudaranya,
“Jangan tinggalkan aku malam ini; mari kita berbicara mengenai sukacita kehidupan rohani sampai pagi.”
“Saudariku,” jawab Benediktus, “Apakah yang engkau katakan itu? Aku tidak boleh tinggal di luar biaraku.”
Ketika didengarnya bahwa Benediktus menolak permintaannya, perempuan kudus itu menangkupkan kedua tangannya di atas meja, menundukkan kepala dan berdoa. Sementara ia mengangkat kepalanya kembali, halilintar datang sambar-menyambar, gemuruh guntur bersahut-sahutan dan hujan badai membasahi bumi, sehingga baik Benediktus maupun murid-muridnya tidak dapat pulang. Karena sedih, Benediktus mengeluh:

“Semoga Tuhan mengampuni engkau, saudariku. Apa ini yang telah engkau lakukan?”

“Yah,” sahutnya, “aku mohon padamu tetapi engkau tidak mau mendengarkan aku; jadi aku mohon pada Tuhan-ku dan Ia sungguh mendengarkan aku. Sekarang pergilah jika engkau bisa, tinggalkan aku dan kembalilah ke biaramu.”

Jadi, demikianlah malam itu mereka tidak tidur semalaman, asyik dengan pembicaraan mereka tentang sukacita kehidupan rohani.

Tiga hari kemudian, Benediktus sedang berada di kamarnya di biara. Ketika ia menengadah menatap langit, ia melihat jiwa saudarinya meninggalkan jasadnya dalam rupa seekor burung merpati, dan terbang tinggi menuju suatu tempat rahasia di surga. Benediktus amat bersukacita, ia berterima kasih kepada Tuhan yang Mahakuasa dengan nyanyian serta puji-pujian. Kemudian ia memerintahkan para muridnya untuk menjemput jenasah saudarinya dan membawanya ke biara. Benediktus membaringkan jenasah Skolastika dalam kubur yang telah dipersiapkannya bagi dirinya sendiri; kubur di mana kelak tubuhnya pun dibaringkan. Skolastika wafat pada tahun 543. Pestanya dirayakan setiap tanggal 10 Februari.

St. Skolastika bantulah kami untuk menempuh hidup Kristiani yang saleh. Bantulah kami untuk menyerahkan diri kami dalam bimbingan Roh Kudus agar kami pun memiliki iman yang sempurna seperti yang engkau miliki. Amin.

Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

Santa Cecilia

Santa Cecilia

Cecilia adalah orang kudus yang sangat terkenal dan termasuk martir yang sangat dicintai dalam tradisi Gereja Katolik. Menurut ceritera, ia adalah gadis Kristen yang sangat cantik, berasal dari keluarga ternama. Ia dipaksa menikah dengan Valerian. Karena kesucian hidupnya, Valerian begitu hormat kepada Cecilia dan menghormati keputusan Cecilia untuk hidup suci. Bahkan Valerian juga terpesona dengan kekristenan yang ditunjukkan oleh Cecilia, karena itu ia kemudian menjadi Kristen dan mati sebagai martir.

Pesta santa Cecilia telah dirayakan oleh Gereja sejak abad ke enam. Nama Cecilia juga terdapat dalam Doa Syukur Agung. Ia adalah seorang martir perawan. Ceritera kematiannya begitu menawan. Cecilia menolak mempersembahkan korban kepada dewa-dewi dan ia sendiri menolak menjadi korban untuk dewa-dewi. Melihat hal tersebut penguasa menjatuhkan hukuman agar Cecilia digiling sampai rata. Tetapi Allah melindungi dia. Alat penggiling yang disiapkan tak berdaya menyentuh tubuh suci Cecilia. Kemudian penguasa mengubah putusan agar Cecilia dihukum dengan pedang saja. Perajurit mencoba memenggal kepalanya tiga kali, tetapi selalu gagal. Cecilia hanya terluka oleh pedang tajam para perajurit. Cecilia kesakitan dan terjatuh ke tanah penuh dengan lumuran darah. Dia dengan segala luka-luka hasil penyiksaan tetap bertahan hidup sampai tiga hari kemudian. Setelah menerima Komuni, dia menghembuskan nafas terakhir. Ia wafat pada tanggal 16 September 117. Dia dimakamkan di makam St. Callistus.

Cecilia adalah Santa pelindung music Gerejawi. Title in diberi kepadanya karena ia, pada hari perkawinannya yang dipaksakan tersebut, tidak mendengar music duniawi melainkan music surgawi, di dalam hatinya. Ia dalam hatinya menyanyikan lagu-lagu merdu untuk Allah. Cecilia menjadi symbol bahwa music yang bagus adalah bagian penting dari liturgy Gerejawi.

Pestanya dirayakan pada 22 November.


Seorang anak gadis kecil sedang berdiri terisak didekat pintu masuk sebuah gereja yang tidak terlalu besar,ia baru saja tidak diperkenankan masuk ke gereja tersebut karena "sudah terlalu penuh". Seorang pastur lewat didekatnya dan menanyakan kenapa si gadis kecil itu
menangis ? "Saya tidak dapat ke Sekolah Minggu" kata si gadis kecil.

Melihat penampilan gadis kecil itu yang acak acakan dan tidak terurus, sang pastur segera mengerti dan bisa menduga sebabnya si gadis kecil tadi tidak
disambut masuk ke Sekolah Minggu. Segera dituntunnya si gadis kecil itu masuk ke ruangan Sekolah Minggu di dalam gereja dan ia mencarikan tempat duduk yang masih kosong untuk si gadis kecil.

Sang gadis kecil ini begitu mendalam tergugah perasaannya,sehingga pada waktu sebelum tidur di malam itu, ia sempat memikirkan anak anak lain yang senasib dengan dirinya yang seolah olah tidak mempunyai tempat untuk memuliakan Jesus.

Ketika ia menceritakan hal ini kepada orang tuanya, yang kebetulan merupakan orang tak berpunya, sang ibu menghiburnya bahwa si gadis masih
beruntung mendapatkan pertolongan dari seorang pastur. Sejak saat itu,si gadis kecil "berkawan" dengan sang pastur.

Dua tahun kemudian, si gadis kecil meninggal di tempat tinggalnya didaerah
kumuh,dan sang orang tuanya meminta bantuan dari si pastur yang baik hati
untuk prosesi pemakaman yang sangat sangat sederhana.

Saat pemakaman selesai dan ruang tidur si gadis dirapihkan, sebuah dompet
usang, kumal dan sobek sobek ditemukan, tampak sekali bahwa dompet itu adalah dompet yang mungkin ditemukan oleh si gadis kecil dari tempat sampah. Didalamnya ditemukan uang receh sejumlah 57 cents dan secarik kertas bertuliskan tangan, yang jelas kelihatan ditulis oleh seorang anak kecil yang isinya :

"Uang ini untuk membantu pembangunan gereja kecil agar gereja tersebut bisa
diperluas sehingga lebih banyak anak anak bisa menghadiri ke Sekolah Minggu"

Rupanya selama 2 tahun, sejak ia tidak dapat masuk ke gereja itu, si gadis
kecil ini mengumpulkan dan menabungkan uang nya sampai terkumpul sejumlah
57 cents untuk maksud yang sangat mulia. Ketika sang pastur membaca catatan kecil ini, matanya sembab dan ia sadar apa yang harus diperbuatnya. Dengan berbekal dompet tua dan catatan kecil ini, sang
pastur segera memotivasi para pengurus dan jemaat gerejanya untuk meneruskan maksud mulia si gadis kecil ini untuk memperbesar bangunan gereja.

Namun Ceritanya tidak berakhir sampai disini. Suatu perusahaan koran yang
besar mengetahui berita ini dan mempublikasikannya terus menerus. Sampai
akhirnya seorang Pengembang membaca berita ini dan ia segera menawarkan
suatu lokasi yang berada didekat gereja kecil itu dengan harga 57 cents,setelah para pengurus gereja menyatakan bahwa mereka tak mungkin sanggup membayar lokasi sebesar dan sebaik itu. Para
anggota jemaat pun dengan sukarela memberikan donasi dan melakukan
pemberitaan, akhirnya bola salju yang dimulai oleh sang gadis kecil ini
bergulir dan dalam 5 tahun, berhasil mengumpulkan dana sebesar 250.000
dollar, suatu jumlah yang fantastik pada saat itu(pada pergantian abad, jumlah ini dapat membeli emas seberat 1 ton ).

Inilah hasil nyata cinta kasih dari seorang gadis kecil yang miskin, kurang
terawat dan kurang makan,namun perduli pada sesama yang menderita. Tanpa
pamrih, tanpa pretensi.

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

Kebiasaan memasang pohon Natal sebagai dekorasi dimulai dari Jerman. Pemasangan pohon Natal yang umumnya dari pohon cemara, atau mengadaptasi bentuk pohon cemara, itu dimulai pada abad ke-16.

Saat penduduk Jerman menyebar ke berbagai wilayah termasuk Amerika, mereka pun kerap memasang cemara yang tergolong pohon evergreen untuk dekorasi Natal di dalam rumah. Dari catatan yang ada, orang Jerman di Pennsylvania Amerika Serikat memajang pohon Natal untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 1830-an.

Pohon Natal bukanlah suatu keharusan di gereja maupun dirumah sebab ini hanya merupakan simbol agar kehidupan rohani kita selalu bertumbuh dan menjadi saksi yang indah bagi orang lain "evergreen". Pohon Natal (cemara) ini juga melambangkan "hidup kekal", sebab pada umumnya di musim salju hampir semua pohon rontok daunnya, kecuali pohon cemara selalu hijau daunnya.

Pemasangan pohon cemara, baik asli maupun yang terbuat dari plastik, di tengah kota atau di tempat-tempat umum pun menjadi pemandangan biasa menjelang Natal. Salah satu yang terbesar adalah pohon yang ada di Rockefeller Center di 5th Avenue New York AS.